Full Citizenship Now! Temporary Suspension of Deportations Not Enough Montreal, March 18 2020 – The federal government announced on March 17 that it will be temporarily postponing deportations from Canada as part of the broader effort to contain the spread…
Category: Health for All
[We encourage Montreal-area organizations and groups to discuss and collectively sign this declaration. If your organization would like to endorse this declaration, get in touch. If you would like to get involved more directly in the Solidarity City campaign, also…
Building A Solidarity City Together! A Teach-In & Conference (May 20)
Building A Solidarity City Together! A Teach-In & Conference Saturday, May 20, 2017, 9:30am to 5pm 1455 de Maisonneuve West, 7th floor (métro Guy-Concordia) Free. Welcome to all. Wheelchair accessible. Childcare on-site. Please get in touch about any accessibility needs. Pre-registration…
Building a Solidarity City Conference: Workshop Schedule and Descriptions
SCHEDULE – SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2017 All events at 1455 de Maisonneuve West, 7th floor [Full descriptions of all workshops are included below] Conference info: http://bit.ly/SolidarityCityMay20 Pre-registration is encouraged (but not required): http://bit.ly/2pJO6OP – 10am-10:45am: Opening Plenary: Building a Real Sanctuary/Solidarity…
Solidarity Across Borders demands that the City of Montreal implement tangible and meaningful measures for a “Sanctuary City”; no more SPVM collaboration with CBSA
For Immediate Release – For news editors and the Montreal community Solidarity Across Borders demands that the City of Montreal implement tangible and meaningful measures for a “Sanctuary City” The City of Montreal and Mayor Coderre need to get…
Public Statement: No Border Agents in our Hospitals and Clinics / Heath Care For All!
– PUBLIC STATEMENT: HEALTH CARE FOR ALL! – NO BORDER AGENTS IN OUR HOSPITALS AND CLINICS – FOR A SOLIDARITY CITY (September 3, 2013) The Solidarity City campaign in Montreal calls on all Quebec hospitals and medical facilities to refuse…
Supporters outraged at CBSA’s presence at Montreal General Hospital to detain and deport a 57 year old woman who recently suffered heart attack
Press Release: for immediate release Supporters outraged at CBSA’s presence at Montreal General Hospital to detain and deport a 57 year old woman who recently suffered heart attack 24 July 2013, Montreal – Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) officials arrived at…
IFHP Cuts : Website launch of “We Refuse To Cooperate !” campaign Call to action and report-back from an action of collective expression !

:::::: REPORT-BACK AND CALL TO ACTION ::::::: With your colleagues or your neighbours, come join the campaign and visit http://collectifjusticesante-campagne.tumblr.com ! Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/290211204409945/ Under the theme ‘’We refuse to cooperate’’, the Health Justice Collective is calling on health care…