Buzas family – model letter

Write to Federal Minister of Immigration Chris Alexander:

– Inform him that you support the  application of Renata and Tibor Buzas and their three children, Tibor, Mercedesz and Lili, for permanent residence on humanitarian grounds;

– Point out that the family made the application in December 2013 and is still waiting for an answer;

– Remind him that by law he has the obligation to respond to this kind of application made inside Canada;

-Point out that the case is going to the courts and the family is under threat of deportation only because he has not yet responded to their application;

– Ask him to respond as soon as possible and no later than 1 September to release the family from this stress as soon as possible;

–  Remind him that that neo-Nazi violence and racism against Roma is again on the rise in Hungary and this family has already suffered from that;

– Inform him that two of the children have language difficulties and are now receiving the support they need and sending them back to a place where they did not receive support but faced bullying and racist insults is definitely not in their best interests.



Please copy your letters to solidaritesansfrontieres@gmail.com.