Queer Perspectives on Migration & Criminalization

Undoing Borders Tour Infoshare With Li Morales, Essex Lourdes & Molly Goldberg of the San Francico-based collective HAVOQ Presented by: Ethnoculture, No One Is Illegal-Montreal, QPIRG Concordia, QPIRG McGill, Q-Team, Queer McGill & Solidarity Across Borders  Saturday, September 24, 1-4pm at QPIRG Concordia…

Standing up to state intimidation & criminalization

Dinner, panel & discussion: STANDING UP TO STATE INTIMIDATION AND CRIMINALIZATION A campaign of community solidarity and non-collaboration with CSISThursday, September 15, 6pm to 9pm Georges Vanier Cultural Centre 2450 Rue Workman (near Notre Dame and Atwater; metro Lionel Groulx)…


STATUS FOR ALL! March for justice and dignity for all migrants and refugees SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 Gathering at NOON Jean Talon & Boyer, just east of métro Jean-Talon MONTREAL No borders, no nations, stop the deportations! We march together to…